South Island Adieu

This fine sunny morning we packed up once again and left Nelson, on our way to Picton and the Ferry. The ferry trip itself across the notorious Cook Straits was quite pleasant (I even managed 45 minutes kip). As we were leaving the ferry, we noticed a plaque on the ship. It turns out, it is/was/used to be the “Isle of Inisfree” and is now renamed Kaitaki.

The pictures of the “jump” are online. Have a look here and search for photos
NZQT601060143996 through to NZQT601060144017. I look sick or something I think 🙁

It is a commonly used expression that “first impressions last”, well the first impression we have of Wellington isn’t very good. It reminds me of myself, the morning after drinking too many JD’s with Junior, Roy or Kristian the night before, a sick, drab, miserable looking blob (me that is). Not very appealing I think you’ll agree. Though the Church looks nice, and we’ve not seen inside the museum yet, so they are points in its favour.

Next stop, Art-Deco city!